diumenge, 22 de maig del 2016

10 Dinosaur Myths That Need To Go Extinct

Lately I've been doing some research about dinosaurs and I founded this interesting website called: 10 Dinosaur myths that need to go extinct (I will give you the url at the end of the entire).
10 Dinosaur Myths That Need To Go Extinct 
I thought it was curious, because we always believe anything we watch on the movies or in the TV, and some of this facts end up not being real.

I post the ones i found funnier, but you can also visit the web for more.

1.Tyrannosaurus and Apatosaurus lived together

10 Dinosaur Myths That Need To Go Extinct
They  actually never lived together!!

2. Tyrannosaurus arms were wimpy

10 Dinosaur Myths That Need To Go Extinct
They were certainly small, but not weak at all.
Actually, each arm could probably flex an excess of 430 pounds. No human bodybuilder can do that!

3. All dinosaurs were big

Microraptor (2 pounds)

4. Dinosaurs are dead
Dinosaurs are still with us. The "new" dinosaurs; from the ostriches to the penguins, remind us of their lost relatives today.

dimecres, 18 de maig del 2016


In London, we also saw an exposition about butterflies.  They were so cute! I took some pictures!

Who would say butterflies liked that  much oranges?!

diumenge, 15 de maig del 2016

Natural History Museum London

HI! Last weekend I went to London and we visitted some interesting things such as the Natural History Museum.

We  saw several dinosaurs' bones and representations.